Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fun Science Facts-February 5, 2011 (3)

Fun Science Facts Part 3
    • House flies have a lifespan of two weeks.
    • Starfish don't have brain.
       The blue whale can produce sounds up to 188 decibels. This is the loudest sound produced by a living animal and has been detected as far away as 530 miles
        • Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards
      • Shrimp's hearts are in their heads.

    • The only letter not appearing on the Periodic Table is the letter “J”.

      These facts are interesting and I would these facts to keep my students interested or as a hook to start the lesson. These facts could be used to get the class involved in the lesson. The first fact could be used when talking about house flies . This fact will help the students learn about house flies and how love house flies live. Students will learn about the life of a house flies and then the fact listed above will help the students with learning about  house flies . The second, third, fourth, and fifth facts all have to do with animals. The second fact talks about the starfish. I would use this fact during my lesson on starfish because this fact helps to tell about the starfish life.The third fact talks about the blue whale. I would use this fact during my lesson about the blue whale when talking about whales. The fourth fact is about emus and kangaroos. I would use this fact during a lesson about Australia and what animals live on this continent. The fifth fact talks about shrimp. I would use this fact during my lesson about shrimp because it helps to tell about the shrimp life. Some of these facts could  be used as a bonus questions on a test. The sixth and final  fact could be used when talking about the elements on the periodic table and while doing chemistry. This fact would definitely be a bonus question on a test. Some of these facts will help students remember the information while other facts are just nice to know about. As a teacher I would use these facts in my classroom with my students when I am teaching about what the different facts are about. I think that these facts are helpful for students to know and some of the facts will be helpful for me when teaching about sound, tides, jellyfish. and earthquakes. I will tell some of these facts as hooks to get the students involved in the lesson while other facts listed above will just be used as facts throughout the lesson. These facts provide examples and it is important for students to know examples. I think that these facts are cool so I am going to use them in my class. 

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