Saturday, February 12, 2011

Class 13- February 16, 2011

         For class today we the class all had computers at our desk tables.  In class today, we started the class with Kira and Dr. Smirnova teaching together. Kira was the first assistant. Kira presented the class with a wordle of different words that we have discussed in class. Some of the word represented are words like field trip, classroom-environment, inquiry, life-science, earth-science, infer, flora, connections, and many others. Dr. Smirnova asked what the 5es are and I answered explain, evaluate, expand, explore. Dr. Smirnova said where we could find the wordle. 

    After Kira gave her five minute presentation with Dr. Smirnova, we as a class in our groups discussed about the different articles we read. Dana read an article about the impact of a probe on a comet and that there were pictures taken on Valentine's Day. Nicole talked about crabs and how their ecosystem is not that strong and the crabs will have to move to Antarctic. Catharine talked about evolution and how their was a survey and I helped her explain evolution to Dana and Nicole. The science in the news  slide of the powerpoint called: Class PPT on Module site. The slide says: Discuss in your groups: * what is the science issue involved? create columns: life science: Eg., the human genome project; medical breakthroughs; fossil finds; stem cell research earth science: weather stories; nature disasters; climate change; energy resources physical science: atomic and subatomic particles; electromagnetic forces in nature 

  The object was for group members to share articles we found for the Science-in-the-News report in the group and then have one member of the group be the reporter and share all of groups article and says what the articles were about and tell what science our articles are in. It is okay if some of the sciences in the articles over lap. Nicole's article would be considered in the earth science category. Dana's article would be considered in the earth and physical science categories. My article would be considered in both the physical and earth science categories. Catharine's article would be considered in the earth science category. Catharine presented for our group. 

  After all the groups presented their group articles, what the articles were about, and what category the article type would fall into, Dr. Smirnova asked the class what the pedagogic aspect was and why did we do it this way. Some answers are: talking together in group, work as team, and work in own classroom, reporter remember everyone article connect world and to classroom, see how science focus not just on scientific method but what is around us, science is characterized in more categories than life, earth, and physical,  and skills of science: analysis and classifying is important skill in science classroom.      

  After talking about the pedagagoe we the class watched an education video. We, the class, watched a video called Gender Equity in the Classroom Girls & Science.. Dr. Smirnova told the class to take notes while watching the video. Here are my notes:
* problem nationally about girls and science
* girls engaged in science is up to middle school and then diminishes or declines in interest when girls get to high school
* science stereotype white male
* show historical figures in science 
* in school most girls interest in science diminish 
* make connections to other science mentor women working in the field 20 and 30 year olds for the girls 
* focus on leadership training job skills and responsibilities 
* all girls club comfort level is a big thing 
* allow the girls to feel that they can actually do something and not be timid 
* a lot of girls don't see female mentors in science so they can see mentors
* love, passion, interest can take them a long way and should not give up on their dream

  Then we discussed our notes with our partners. Catharine Lipsky and I agreed about that it is a good thing that the girls have a club. 

  I gave peer feedback to Kira on her performance as assistant to Dr. Smirnova today. 

It is important for students to bring in articles and current events about science to the classroom. Students can learn about what is new in the science world through looking up articles and sharing it with their classmates. By sharing articles students can learn something new about science that the students may have not known about before.Then the students will present someone else's article that they learned about in their group of four. 


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