Sunday, April 24, 2011

Class 33 - April 11, 2011

Today's class started with talking about think pair share articles. It was to be completed as individuals from last class and then we were suppose to pair with our partner and talk about our Eutopia articles that we read. Catharine was my partner and her Eutopia article was on the topic no child left behind. After we shared our Edutopia article with our partner then it was time to share or Edutopia article with our group.

Then Dr. Smirnova put up this slide on the board that was a business card which included statements like My favorite way to be assessed is..., I know that I have really learned something when ....., I typically assess students by...., When I think about assessing students, I learned that. These statements were written on the inner part of the name tag in the different corners. Then we wrote down our responses and then shared our responses with our partners and with our group. Some of my classmates said their responses to these statements.  Then the class talked about learning vs. grades. there were two questions raised: (1) can these 2 co-exist peacefully? (2) should one receive emphasis over the other? The answer that some of my classmates gave and that I agree with are to co-exist: grades should affect learning and learned material.  What can be assessed? : essay, knowledge, creativity, performance

Readiness: skills, concept, and content knowledge

Interest: Interest surveys, Interest centers, and self-selection  which should be done at the beginning of the school year and at the beginning of a unit.

Learning  profile: areas of strength and weakness, work preferences, self awareness

"Assessment should always have more to do with helping students grow than with cataloging their mistakes?" - Carol Tomlinson

When do you assess? : which is constant before, during, and after

On going assessment: a diagnostic continuum

Feedback and Goal Setting:

Pre-assessment Diagnostic (Finding out): inventory,KWL charts, checklist, observation, self-evaluation, questioning, pretest, and graphing for greatness

Formative Assessment (Keeping Track and Checking Up): conference, peer evaluation, 3-minute pause, observation, talkaround, questioning, exit card, portfolio check, quiz, journal entry, and self-evaluation

 Summative Assessment (Make Sure) - at the end : unit test, performance task, product/exhibit, demostration, portfolio and review

I think that it is important as a future teacher to know about the different assessments of formative, summative, and diagnostic when doing lesson plans. These assessments should be included in lesson plans and also be used to assess the students learning in the classroom. It is a good idea to start with a pre-assessment like using a KWL chart. A good formative assessment to use as a teacher is to give a quiz or have the students do a journal entry based on the material that the students have learned. It always good to  use summative assessment with a unit and to have a unit test at the end to see all the students have learned. These assessments are  important for future teachers to know what the students know before the students are taught the material and to also know in order to assess that the students in their class understand the material that was taught. 

It was a cool idea of the business cards and the four phrases. I would use an activity  like this in my classroom to get my students engaged in a lesson. These are some phrases My favorite animal is... I know the following about this animal.... I know that fact about the animal because .... When I learn more about my animal....  I would use to get my students engaged in learning about animals and the unit on animals before doing their cube project on animals. I think that phrases will be a great way for me as a teacher to see what the students know and for the students to engage in the lesson. 

As a future teacher I do believe in pre-assessment before each unit is to be conduct in the form of a KWL or questioning. I do believe in formative assessment in  the form of a journal entry, quiz. questioning, talkaround, conference, and peer evaluation. By doing formative assessment with help to keep the students on track throughout the unit. I do believe in summative assessment which is to make sure the students understood the unit and that can be done through a unit test or a project. These three assessment tools will help me see what the unit needs to focus on by doing the diagnostic and then help to see how the students understanding the material through the formative and then to see the students comprehended the material in the summative.  These assessments are helpful for teachers to make sure that each student understand the unit. These assessments are important to student's progress and to see if the student got the material. For each unit I will try to use different assessments for diagnostic, formative, and summative to get the students engaged and to make sure the students understand the entire unit.  

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