Thursday, February 3, 2011

Class 1- January 19, 2011

            Today was our first class meeting. The class got a piece of pink paper and were asked to write our names. Most people in the class wrote their first and last name on the pink piece of paper. Then we folded the piece of paper so that our name tags could stand up so that Dr. Smirnova could see our names. Then on the back of our name tags but some people did on the inner part of the name tag. On the left upper corner of the name tag, we (the class) were suppose to write the name of science teachers that we remember having  from elementary, middle, and high school. On the upper right hand corner of the name tag, we (the class) were suppose to write what we think a science teacher should be. For example, some people said that a science teacher should be enthusiastic, knowledgeable, exciting, intelligent,  smart, helpful , and can explain things in ways so that the class can understand.  For the bottom left hand corner of the name tag, we (the class) had to write what we think the word science means. For example, I wrote that the word science is the study of nature, facts, organisms, both animal and plant through experiments and demonstrations. For the bottom right hand corner of the name, we (the class) had to write what we think the word learning means. For example, I wrote that the word learning is being taught something new and learning about things that you already know in detail.  Then we shared our name tag with our partner the person sitting next to me which was Catharine Lipskey. We talked about experiments that we did in elementary school. We (Catharine and I) talked about where we are from and  our majors. Catharine is a English major and from Floral Park, NY which is on Long Island. Then we were instructed by Dr. Smirnova to share with the rest of our group our name tag answers.  My group started with introducing each other and then doing the name tag answers or what we came up with.  So Catharine went first and she introduced me and said I am from Albertson, NY and I am a history major. Then I introduced Catharine and said she is front Floral Park, NY and is an English major. Then Dana introduced Nicole S and said that Nicole is from West Sayville, NY and is a IT major. Then Nicole introduced Dana and said she is from East Islip, NY and is a English major. Then my group shared our answers for what we said science is and then we shared our answers for what we said learning is and then we shared our answers for what we think a science teacher qualities are. Nicole, Dana, Catharine, and me came up with the name for our group as the LI (Long Island) Butterflies. Nicole shared with the class the ideas that we as a group collaborated on with the whole class. Nicole explained that we are called the LI Butterflies because we are all from Long Island and have all had experiences with butterflies as a child. After each group went we did a clap and then did the motion of fireworks. Dr. Smirnova told us about fireworks.  

      Once we were done with the name tag ice breaker activity Dr. Smirnova talked about the course and showed the class the module for the course. Dr. Smirnova told us the enrollment key for the module account. Dr. Smirnova also went over the module account and started to tell us about some of the projects that we be doing this semester. Dr. Smirnova told the class that we would be doing and electronic portfolio. She also told us we have to set up a pb work account and that we be doing a blog. That is the first class.

The first class of a new school year is very important for the teacher to be prepared for. It is important for the teacher to be on time and to make a good first impression. As a future teacher I think that it is important to greet each student in my class. Once all the students arrived in my classroom I would introduce myself and tell the students what subjects and some of those topics in those subjects that we will be doing this year. I would have the students do the name tag activity after all the coats are way and the students are sitting in their seats.  As the students are working on their name tag I will make sure that each student is on the right bus and knows what bus to take home. I will make sure that all the classroom rules that I put up in my classroom are known by each of the students in the classroom. Each students need to know and understand the rules. It is important on the first day to get all the  classroom rules set up  and explain to the what we will be doing this year in an overview and for the students to share their name tags. 

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