Today in class we had a visit from Mr. Congelli. For today in class we had computers at our desks. We started class by Dr. Smirnova telling the class that we are doing science experiments on Wednesdays each week and reviewing the week on Friday and something else on Monday. In class we discussed about the three dimensions of science: Science is: inquiry, explore, analysis and is a set of ideas which leads to theory. Science is a process which first starts with a question leads to hypothesis then go on to test ideas and make conclusions. Science is a way of thinking always ask questions. Dr. Smirnova asked what process skills are: exploring, experimentation, investigating, analyze-data. Mr. Congelli said as an elementary teacher it is good to make the font like size 16 pt., and the color of the font not too light. The dollar store is a great place to get stuff.
After talking about what science is and process skills, we did an experiment called the Balloon Activity. We made predictions based on what Mr. Congelli did with the two balloons. He took one balloon and we made predicts. Then he said what will happen when I put a pin in the balloon and the balloon poped. Then he took a pink balloon and put special blue solution on the balloon and the pin said at the top. Then my group made up a hypothesis and experimented based on our hypothesis. Then we wrote up a group report for the balloon activity under Google docs in a powerpoint. This was a fun experiment to do. It is nice to make a hypothesis and to test and see if that hypothesis is accurate or not.
When starting a lesson or activity or experiment it is important for a teacher to make sure that students know what hypothesis is and how to form a hypothesis. It is important for students to make predictions and observations before starting the experiment. Then it is important for students to set up an experiment to see if their hypothesis will come true. After the students have set up and preformed the experiment then students will record data and observations down. Then the students will make conclusion. As a teacher it is important for students to do a science experiment and it is important for students for students to understand what the students are doing. As a teacher in order to make sure the student is figuring out his or her hypothesis and working on his or her experiment to try to if the hypothesis was correct or incorrect. The teacher will go around and ask questions ans act more like the facilatator then lecturing the students.
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