We the class had a discuss about initial state and entry into process. As a teacher find out who your students are and what their needs and interests are. What background knowledge do your students have? How to start process of teaching?
Then the class started to go over a powerpoint. We started with th first slide called "Science as a Process Using the skills of Scientific Study" : Understanding how students learn science provokes us to find teaching strategies that honor students' ideas and create safe open spaces in which they can create their own meanings. The second slide title is "The Bottle and the Balloon" : In the Science Story called "The Bottle and the Balloon," students watch as a balloon on top of a bottle inflates when the bottle is place in a pot of hot water.
- How does the story illustrate the following ideas? Being able to repeat an idea- for instance, that an empty bottle contains air --is not the same as understanding the idea. Students' "wrong" ideas are very important.
We as a class talked about the experiment and some of my classmates said: * understand air in bottle and outside bottle, * shows that empty bottle contains air, * teacher let student express all ideas, and * give wrong ideas are okay
The third slide titled "Constructing Understanding." - come to understand ideas as we turn them over in our mind and reflect on our ideas * students understand when create and teach
- students must be engaged in an active process of making sense of their experiences. They don't just absorb an idea they talk about it. - best to explain to partner
The fourth slide titled 'Students as Knowers" talk about prior knowledge. Some thoughts that the class had about this slide are: * don't know what prior is brought to class so you as teacher need to investigate ti know what to do ask generalize question or problem honor their thinking
Mentioned on the slide: -* all student responses have value because they reveal how the students are thinking
The fifth slide titled "Freedom to Be Wrong" : relate to theory of constructivism. -Some thoughts that the class had about this slide are: positive and negative feedback based on what they are sharing, - tell the student more than one right answer, and - create a cloud on words: both right and wrong on board .
Teacher comments: teacher make mistakes because human and can learn from it, if as teacher model wrong then have to accept all answers
The sixth slide titled "Teacher as Mediator." Some thoughts that the class had about this slide are: mediator: guide the student to path of learning
- teacher info students teach ways for student to get knowledge
- the teacher as mediator helps students move from their initial understanding to deeper knowledge
The seventh slide titled: "Alternative Conceptions.": ask questions or provide information to promote new perspectives, point out contradictions or problems in students' ideas, and suggest further experiments.
The eighth slide titled: "Scaffolding" scaffolding: temporary support to learners to help them reach understanding of a concept or process
scaffolding includes: key questions, important facts, a structure to fame the problem, and modeling or demonstration by teacher
The ninth slide titled: " Hands-On Learning and Rigid Procedures" Some thoughts that the class had about this slide question; why do you suppose this happens? are: teacher might let kids take notes then test need to give diagram and not make connections
The tenth slide titled: " Challenging One's Thinking" Some thoughts that the class had about this slide question: Why does she believe that our thinking must be challenged are: thinking challenge force to defend answer and pull things together
The twelfth slide titled: "The major themes embodied by these science stories are:" :
* students have their own ideas about why some things happen.
* sometimes students come up with alternative conceptions
Concept maps- diagram that show relationship between ideas
We talked about Webspiration and inspiration: template for teachers for bases for lecture or assessment tool.
Paradigm shift
Teacher as keeper of truth to teacher as facilitator of student's ideas
Ended the class by watching a video from Education Video Cases called Middle School Science Institution: Inquiry Learning.
Students as knowers is important. It is the teacher's job to activate an discover the student's prior knowledge. You as a teacher can do this through asking questions at the beginning of the lesson or for your records you as the teacher can have the students take a test based on topics that you the teacher are going to teach this year so you know what your students know about the topic before you as a teacher teach the topic. It is important as a teacher to allow the freedom to be wrong in the classroom as long as the teacher addresses the mistake or the students can address the mistake as well. It is more important for the teacher to address the mistake if the students did not address the mistake and for the students to explain why the student's answer or response was wrong. It is important for students to understand how the students made their mistakes and if the students still don't understand why the answer is wrong it is the teachers job to explain the answer in a way that the students will be able to understand. It is important for teachers to challenge their students. Challenging students could be to give them a challenging problem or have students show how the students understand the topic through doing a project. Hands- on learning is important for teachers to do for students Hands-on learning can be shown through demonstrations and experiments. It is important for students to explore on their own with teachers being mediators. Students need to make discovers through experiments.
Students as knowers is important. It is the teacher's job to activate an discover the student's prior knowledge. You as a teacher can do this through asking questions at the beginning of the lesson or for your records you as the teacher can have the students take a test based on topics that you the teacher are going to teach this year so you know what your students know about the topic before you as a teacher teach the topic. It is important as a teacher to allow the freedom to be wrong in the classroom as long as the teacher addresses the mistake or the students can address the mistake as well. It is more important for the teacher to address the mistake if the students did not address the mistake and for the students to explain why the student's answer or response was wrong. It is important for students to understand how the students made their mistakes and if the students still don't understand why the answer is wrong it is the teachers job to explain the answer in a way that the students will be able to understand. It is important for teachers to challenge their students. Challenging students could be to give them a challenging problem or have students show how the students understand the topic through doing a project. Hands- on learning is important for teachers to do for students Hands-on learning can be shown through demonstrations and experiments. It is important for students to explore on their own with teachers being mediators. Students need to make discovers through experiments.
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