Sunday, February 6, 2011

Class 7- February 2, 2011

   It was a snow day at the Mount but class still meet online. It was cool to have class on the computer. In order to have a virtual or online class we had to have section number and password to be able to be part of the discussion and the class. The link was off of Web Ex. Once in the class, I had to make sure my headset and microphone worked. Then Dr.Smirnova told us to mute our microphones so she could be the only one talking. We started to go through a powerpoint which was then on module called Week 1 PPT but at the time I did not know where this powerpoint came from. The powerpoint is on the chapter readings. 

  The first slide of the powerpoint had to deal with something the author Janine Koch wrote. Janine Koch wrote:  I believe there is a childhood scientist in each of us who is waiting to be awakend."Do you agree with the statement. If you agree, what do we need to do, as teachers, to awaken each student's inner scientist? Dr.Smirnova said to take a minute or two to think about the statement and then if you want to answer put the hand in the feedback box. Then when it is your turn you can unmute your microphone to speak when       Dr.Smirnova says your name. Some of my classmates microphones were not working so they typed their answers and Dr. Smirnova read their responses. I gave my input to this statement. My response was: I agree with this statement because as a child scientist we all want to discover and explore nature and learn things through asking about things we don't know about.  We as child scientist may explore or try something and be creative or ask questions. Children scientist will be curious about things and that is what awakends us.  We as teachers need to encourage the students exploration in your classroom and let them (the children) make discoveries with your guidance. 

   The next slide is titled  "What is Science?" Dr. Smirnova asked  the class to write in the text part of the website what science is.   I typed that science is the study of facts and observations through experiments and to make discoveries and your own discoveries. On the slide science can be described as a process, a set of ideas and  a way of thinking. 

   The third slide is titled "Science as a Process.  The slide says * In fact there are many scientific methods, but they all have some principles in common. What do you think these are?  My principles are observation, question, investigate,and summarize. The principles listed on the slide that form a circle are ask, investigate, create, discuss, and reflect. 

  The fourth slide is titled "Science as a Process (2). The important statement from this slide is: The scientific process usually involves making careful observations, coming up with an idea (hypothesis) to explain these observations, and then setting up an experiment to test the idea

   The fifth slide is titled "Science as a Process (3). The important points from this slide are: The process of coming up with ideas about the natural world and testing them with experiments is often called inquiry. Engaging in inquiry involves skills called process skills. Most of these are skills we use every day, such as observing, classifying, and predicting. What is an example of an everyday prediction. 

  The sixth slide is titled "Science as a Set of Ideas. This slide includes some interesting points: Science ideas include definitions and explanations of natural events. Scientific explanation is backed by a considerable body of evidence it is often called a theory. A theory is not a fact but neither is just a guess or speculation.  
-theory can be improved by development of technology

   The seventh slide is titled " Science as a Way of Thinking". There are a few important bullets from  this slide. Science as a way of thinking includes: a desire to find evidence to support ideas. Open-mindedness and willingness to change one's mind when confronted with new evidence. Willingness to cooperate with others and advance understanding by group effort. 
- student are learners
- learn about meaning doing things

   The eighth slide is titled "Constructivist Theory (1)." This slide brings up some interesting bullet points: According to constructivist theory,  all knowledge is not just "received" by learner. Rather,each learner constructs his or her knowledge. 

 The ninth slide is titled "Constructivist Theory (2)." This slide brings up some interesting bullet points: Children's prior knowledge what they have learned from all their previous experiences- plays a crucial role in the way they integrate new concepts. 
- children are active knowers 
construct their ideas on the basis of their experiences of the world.   

Then we stop looking at the powerpoint for like twenty minutes to talk about a video that the class saw on Monday called Fish is Fish Story. Some of my classmates responded to the video. Some of the responses are: 

  • show that all the same in one way
  • different prior knowledge from coming into classroom
  • teachers should show images and pictures to the students
  • children draw from what they know to try to figure out things - that is what the fish did when the frog told him something 
  • as teachers establish what the children's prior knowledge is 
  • fish pictures the world above the water with different animals having different fish parts like the cow with gulls. 
  After discussing the response to the Fish is Fish Story video, the class went on to discuss about the concept of no knowledge or misconception. 
  • no knowledge start from scratch can be easier for teacher to teach
  • misconception have hard time to change what someone already knows
  • children to have prior knowledge and have something to build off of 
  • can build off misconception and can be fixed 
   After responding to this concept, the class went back to the powerpoint slides.  The next slide (slide 10)  that the class discussed was slide number ten which is titled "Constructivist Theory (3)." This slide had some important points: students' existing beliefs in order to help them construct new ideas.  

  The eleventh slide is titled: "Hands-on vs. Minds-on." This slide has some interesting points: Science teaching typically involves many "hands-on, concrete experiences. 

  The twelfth slide is titled: "Meaningful Experiment." There are some important bullet points to be meaningful for students, a science activity must: relate to students' everyday experience and stimulate students to reflect on what they are exploring and come up with their own ideas. 

  The thirteenth slide is titled: "The Learning Cycle." The Learning Cycle involves 5 steps: (1) Engagement (2) Exploration (3) Explanation (4) Elaboration (5) Evaluation. This is an important slide. 

  The fourteenth slide is titled "Alternative Conceptions." This slide talks about: Sometimes students develop inaccurate ideas about the way things work.Misconceptions, constructivists prefer to call them alternative conceptions. What is the point of giving such "wrong" ideas a fancier name? (Think about the importance of prior knowledge.)

   The fifteenth slide is titled: " Keys themes from NSES." This slide talks about the five themes that are evident throughout the National Science Education Standards (NSES): 
1.) We learn science by doing science. 
2.) We learn science by inquiry. 
3.) We learn science by collaboration. 
4.) We learn science over time. 
5.) We learn science by developing personal knowledge. 
Can you explain each of these in your own words? 

The sixteenth slide is titled: "Science for All Students (1)." This slide talks about: You can expect that your students may differ from one another in may ways- ethnicity, native language, and learning styles, to name just a few differences. We (the class) looked at slide seventeen which is titled "Science for All Students (2)." Then we (the class) looked at slide eighteen which is titled "Technology in Science Learning." One important point from slide eighteen is: technology works best in science lessons when it is a tool that students use as part of their inquiry.  

Dr.Smirnova asked the whole class about how they liked the virtual class and my classmates put the hand in the feedback book and then when Dr. Smirnova said to talk people in my class said if they liked the virtual class or not . 

This was what we did for the whole class time. Then Dr.Smirnova said to analysis the 4th grade test assessment. 

It was cool to have class online for the day. It was a different experience then having class in the classroom. You could not see anyone but you could hear people which was cool. It was nice to be able to have class and be able to stay in my room for the day. I think it was better to have class online then to not have class at all. It is an experience that I will not forget. Class online for the day was a good idea maybe I will try this with my class one day. I will try this with my older students. 

The powerpoint that I listed for slides above are all important. It is important for the students in my class to learn about science as a process. It is important for students to make observations, come up with an idea like hypothesis, and set up experiment. It is important for me as a teacher to understand what the word hypothesis means. As a teacher it is important to go over what to look for when making observations especially for first grade and up. It is important for students to set up an experiment. In the younger graders I as the teacher will help the students set up their experiment. For some of the experiments I as the teacher will do demonstrations and show the science process but most of the experiments will be hands on with me as the teacher showing the students what to do and telling the students what else the students have to do  for the experiment. It is important for students to ask questions if the students don't understand the science process or the experiment. 

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