Friday, March 11, 2011

How I would use the book "Science Stories" in the clasroom

         I enjoy reading all of the Science Stories in the different chapters of the Science Stories book. I find the Science Stories to be the most interesting parts of the chapters that I read. It is very interesting to see what different experiments are being shown in each chapter. I find the Science Stories to be very well explained and easy to follow. Science Stories which are the experiments are easy for a teacher to explain to her class and to do in the classroom. 

     The following is what I would incorporate into my classroom when I am a teacher. For the Science Stories listed below, I would probably follow the instructions and explanations that are listed in the book Science Stories by Jane Koch. 

   From Chapter one, I would definitely incorporate science as a process and explain that process in my classroom. I would go over key terms like hypothesis, theory, and discovery learning  I would ask my students about their prior knowledge of science . For this chapter I would the Science Story called The Search for Understanding: Toaster Story. The Search for Understanding: Toaster Story is an interesting experiment that I would try with my class to help the students learn about electricity.  The Toaster Story can be done is groups of two to four people. I students can answer the questions and I provide and make observations in their notebooks. 

   I found both these videos to be very helpful for me to teach electricity and explain electricity to my students. The first video shows the effects and troubles with electricity and I thought that would be a good way to show my students what not to do and what to be careful for when dealing with electricity. The second video is from School of Rock and shows electricity and what electricity is used for and it is a cute video.  


   For Chapter two, I would definitely incorporate the Science Story called Why the Balloon Doesn't Pop: An Experience for New Teachers. It was interesting how the person used two balloons and different colors liquids in this experiment. The Why the Balloon Doesn't Pop experiment I as the teacher would demonstrate this experiment for my class.  I would ask my students to draw an image of what he or she thinks is a scientist or looks like. I would also have my students keep a science journal based on the seed that the students planted  Each day the student will write a new entry about how the seed grows and how much water the student added to the seed.   

   I found this video about the how a seed grounds and though that it be a great video to show to my students especially if we as a class are doing. It would be great for the students to see the process of the seed because the students will be watching a seed grow and then the students will know what to look for while observing their seed and know what to write in their journal of what happens to their seed. 

    For Chapter three, I would definitely incorporate the Science Story called Bottle and Balloon. The Bottle and Balloon is a very fun experiment and easy to do in the classroom in groups or even as the teacher showing a demonstration. I would do the Science Story of Jcicles. Jcicles is better to be done in the winter when there are icicles formed. This experiment can be done in groups can see what the different results are. I would talk and ask my students if he or she knows what a variable and what a constant are. For both Science Story experiments the students can write about the experiment in their science notebook. The students should include observations, a hypothesis, a conclusion, and a reflection about the experiment. The student can also answer the questions I will provide. 

  For Chapter four, I would definitely incorporate the terms of process skills, science notebook, and do science circus with my class. I would have a Science Circus that included stations of: The Penny in Pie, The Weather Station, The Soda Can, Crazy Rocks, Buoyancy Boats,  and Falling for Gravity. Buoyancy Boats involves water in a pan or bowl, aluminum foil, pennies, scissors, and ruler. The students have to make a boat and while the boat is in the water, students have to put pennies in the boat and see how many pennies fit in the boat before the boat sinks.  Falling for Gravity involves a binder with a line and marbles both big and small. The  object of this station  is to see which marble with roll down faster the big or the small. Crazy Rocks involves a bunch of rocks. At this station, students will categorize the rocks by color, texture, and size. The Penny in the Pie Pan involves water, aluminum foil, and pennies. At this station, students make predictions and sketch what the students think the penny should look like before going in the water and after going in the water. The Soda Can involves a soda can that was out in the sun on a summer day.The students are to brainstorm about the can. The Weather Station has a wireless laptop set up to access an Internet weather site. The students then record their data in science notebook.   I think these stations should be done toward the beginning of school like in November. The students will answer the questions that are left at each station and write a journal entry for each experiment discussing what the student liked or disliked about the stations.  

  This link listed below will help the students with the station called the Weather Station to obtain information.  
     For Chapter five, I would definitely incorporate the Science Story called How Much Milk Are We Wasting? This experiment would help to teach my students about recycling. I would definitely ask the custodian to bring the milk and allow my students to wear gloves while pouring the milk into the graduated cylinder. I would do this experiment for a week with my class. This is a great experiment to get the students involved in. The students will work in groups of four. The students will answer questions based on the experiment that the students have been working on. The students will write a journal entry each day about the milk and how the experiment is going. I would develop a Science Corner in my classroom where I can keep the supplies for the experiments that I am going to do with my class. I would also encourage my students to bring in some stuff from home to bee included in our Science Corner. Field trips both virtual and actual field trips help students make connections in science both inside and outside the classroom and learn things from other people other than their teacher. Field trips are a great idea. 

     For Chapter six, I would ask  my students their prior knowledge about solids, liquids, and gases before doing the experiment featured by the Science Story called Exploring Solids, Liquids, and Gases. It is a fun way to discover liquids, solids, and gases. For the first Science Story mentioned I would have my class work in groups of four.  I would also do the Science Story called Mysterious Matter. I would have my class for this Science Story experiment just come near me on the floor as I demonstrate what will happen when I add different ingredients. I would probably read the story Bartholomew and the Oobleck out loud to my students while my students sit on a rug. I think the students will enjoy the book.  For both Science Story experiments the students will answer questions based on the experiment and also write what the student like about each of the experiments in their science journal as a journal entry. 

    I found both these videos to be very helpful for me to teach electricity and explain electricity to my students. The first video shows the what solids, liquids, and gases are. The first video is from Bill Nye the science guy. The second video shows some different experiments to deal with solids, liquids and gas and their effects. The first video is education for kids.   

 For Chapter seven, I would ask my students their prior knowledge about what is a vegetable or what is fruit? I would do the Science Story called When Is A Vegetable A Fruit? This is a great experiment to discuss what parts of the plant are edible. It is great to discuss what fruits and vegetables grow below or above ground. Then the students in my class can write a journal entry about what their favorite fruit or vegetable is?  I would ask my students if they have prior knowledge of the words invertebrate and vertebrate before learning about earthworms. I would also like my students to learn about earthworms. So I will probably get an earthworm for each student and have my students keep a journal each day about the earthworm. This chapter mentions about taxonomy so I will mention to my class about the different kingdoms and as a project I will give each group a kingdom and have the students research the definition, characteristics, and examples for each kingdom.   

    For Chapter eight, I would like to do the Science Stories called Floating and Sinking Fruits and Apples, Potatoes, and Destiny. Before doing the Science Story called Apples, Potatoes, and Density I would make sure that my students understand  the terms: volume, mass, and density.Floating and Sinking Fruits is best to be done in the fall especially October when the pumpkins are in season. This is a fun experiment that the kids in my class will enjoy. Apples, Potatoes, and Destiny would be interesting to what what fruit can float or sink. I as the teacher say that the students for these two experiments should work in groups of four. For both Science Story experiments, I would have the students write down in their science journals what they observe, a prediction of what they think will happen before doing the experiment, a conclusion, their results, collect data and answer questions that I will have written out of them. I would also ask the students to do a journal entry discussing what they liked and disliked about the experiments. 

   The video explains the definition of density and also has a cool experiment that I could demonstrate. The experiment involves two eggs and salt water and fresh water. I think that my class would enjoy this experiment.
   For Chapter nine, I would like to incorporate, talking about the eight planets, the solar system, and the moon. There are two Science Stories that can help me talk about the planets and the solar system and the moon are called  An Edible Solar System and Shapes of Moon. I would also teach the students the monodic device I learned to remember the planets. My Very Educated Mother Just Started Using Numbers (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune).  For An Edible Solar System and Shapes of Moon, the students in my class can work in groups of four. The students for both of these experiments will make observations. Before doing the Shapes of the Moon experiment I would have already done a lesson discussing what the phases of the moon were so that the students would already have prior knowledge before doing this experiment. For Shapes of the Moons, students will answer a worksheet which involves figuring out the phases of the moon. The students then will write in their journal a journal entry about what the student liked and disliked about the experiment. The student will will work together on the experiment An Edible Solar System and decide the sizes of each planet based on fruits and vegetables. The students will record data about which fruit should be for which planet. The students will answer the questions that I will have prepared in their science journal. The students will also write a journal entry discussing what the student liked and disliked about the experiment called An Edible Solar System. 

The first two videos are about the moon and the moon phases. It is important for the students to see the moon phases and know the moon phases in order to do the Shapes of the Moon experiment listed above. These videos explain the moon phases and show the moon phases in a way that is easy to understand.  The other three videos that are together explain the solar system and all the different planets. It is a three part series that is for  kids . It explains the planets and their characteristics very well. The students will really enjoy the solar system videos.


 This is what I would do as a teacher in my classroom. I want to make learning fun for the students in my room. The experiments that I listed are the ones that I think that my students will enjoy doing. I want to have my students involved in hands-on experiments so that my students enjoy science.  

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