Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 5

During this week we will have hands-on, minds on activities:

  1. Discuss the concepts of Chapter 5. (Study the glossary of the week 5 terms and readings).
  2. Be prepared to present the Scientist Interview projects.
  3. Be ready to exchange the Science-in-the-News projects.
  4. Design and implement the Science Circus and Science Cornerprojects.
2.) Science Interview project was with Dr. Larousse. She teaches MST at the Mount. Catharine and I did a video interview and asked her some questions. Dr. Larousse was very willing to participate in this interview. I learned a lot from this interview. 

3.) In our group each member shared our Science-in the- News projects on February 16, 2011. My's article was about stars that have reborn and make sister stars. It would be considered physical/ earth science. Nicole's article was about crabs and had their ecosystem are being destroyed in Antarctica. Nicole's article would be considered earth science. Dana's article was about impact of a comet on Valentine's day. Dana's article would be considered earth/ physical science.Catharine's article was about evolution. Catharine's article would be considered earth science. The Science-in-the News article was a great idea to do. I really enjoyed looking up the articles about science and seeing what new science discoveries are in the news. 

4.) Science corner included aluminium foil, pennies, scissors, and ruler for the Science Circus of Buoyancy Boats. Buoyancy Boats included a worksheet, a task, a problem, standards, materials, and process skills. Buoyancy Boats is a fun station that involves making a boat and putting that boat in water and then putting pennies in the boat and seeing how many pennies it would take to sink the boat. 

Science Circus was a great idea. It is nice to participate in different experiments and to learn new things or to expand on what is already known. I enjoyed each experiment. I will definitely use Science Circus in my class when I am a teacher.       

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