Today's class started with a microteaching by Catharine Lipsky and Jessica Wood. Jessica started the microteaching by asking the class what we are studying this week if anyone looked on module. I said that this week on module was kingdom and taxonomy. Module was on Plantae. Jessica likes flowers. Their Smart Board presentation was on:
How does a flower grow? Some answers from my classmates are: water, sunlight, photosynthesis, and start with a seed.
First plant a: seed
Give the seed some: water
Up comes a: sprout
The sprout will grow many: leaves
Then a bloom will grow for a: flower
One slide said: Move these pictures around in order: seed, water, sprout, leaves, flower
Catharine asked about plant vs. germentation: plant: put in ground and germentation: grows out of shell until sprout. Planting then germentation.
After the microteaching, Dr.Smirnova told us that each group was getting a pack of seeds. Each group member was suppose to get 4 seeds that were placed on a wet paper towel and then put in a bag. My group got hybrid cauliflower seeds.
We as a class talked about standards.Standards are: state standards, what to teach kids, have criteria, guidelines, benchmark for instruction about what student should learn & be able to do, and knowledge and skills. Standards: what student should be learning
Process skills are: observation, experimenting, analyze, collect data, inferences, formulate questions, and inquiry.
good to know national and state standards
why state & national have to be allied? : see how you line up with other states, have some base knowledge, and won't live here for whole live may move
We talked about aims, goals, and objectives. Aims are the most broad and used in the national standards. Goals are less broad and used for state or district. Objectives are the most specific. Objectives: most specific statement of what student doing. Goals (no measurable) show mental image for semester or year.
Goal: Students will learn to see big picture by end unit or year.
What make objective specific: CBC (condition behavior criteria)
What is the condition? : everything need to teach lesson and get across
setting: materials and resources or task or materials
What will be the behavior: observe, record, draw a picture, and journal
behavior: Given a task: the student will create a diagram of a plant
criteria: how they will reflect on their work:
rubric is the best way
has to be measured what they will reflect how well use materials at least 5 observations or essay that includes: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion
Objective: Given a task to observe the seeds during the week and materials (seed, plastic bag, water, and paper towel) students will write a reflective entry based on observations following the criteria of a rubric and falling or scoring a 3 or 4.
It important to talk about different aspects of science. In the younger grades like first, second, and third it is not a bad idea to do plants. It is a good idea to explain the parts of the plant like roots, leaves, stem before having the students plant a real seed that will sprout into a plant. It is not a bad idea to have students learn about the process of a plant and how a plant goes from a seed to the end which is a plant. It would not be a bad idea for students to learn about what to do to make the seed grow like water the seed.
It is important for future teachers to know criteria, behavior, and condition. These elements are suppose to be in the lesson plan. It is part of the lesson plan that is under the objective.
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