Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Class 19- March 2, 2011

  Today's class started with a microteaching by Nicole Setter and Dana Sloup. Nicole started the class with asking about what is on module for the week. The answer to this question was non-living and living things. Nicole and Dana used the Smart Board notebook to make a graphic organizer. Nicole asked what the qualities are for living things. Some of the answers for living are: takes in oxygen, heart, can move, food and water that Nicole wrote on the Smart Board. Then Dana did the nonliving are: don't move or immobile,don't need food or water, does not breath, and doesn't talk. There was one page that had a living and nonliving vartexts and Nicole called on my classmates who raised their hands and then started call on people to come up to the board and use the magic pen to drag the object to either living or non-living but if you guess wrong the image gets through back into the board. 

Living: dog, flower, snail, tree, butterfly, fingernail, starfish, and clams
Nonliving: clock, computer, sandcastle, seashell, rock, fire, cloud, and water
Seashell could be living if a crab is living inside

   Dr. Smirnova looked over the objectives that some of my classmates wrote. 

  We took a vote about having class on Friday. Dr. Smirnova asked about if someone had travel. It was an unanimous vote that we are not going to have class on Friday. Dr. Smirnova said she is always on our side and if you need to talk to her about due dates and you can always talk to her. Dr. Smirnova is always there to help you. 

  The lesson plan need to include: question and field response. 

  Dr. Smirnova asked us to look at living and nonliving things and how 1st graders would describe nonliving and living things. Nonliving vs. living things: breath, move or not move, living: blood, living: give to environment and take from environment 

Objectives: most specific statement and what the student will learn or be able to do

  Dr. Smirnova told us (the class) for our objectives to use verbs that are measurable. Dr. Smirnova showed us a document that on Module is called: "Objective: Forbidden Verbs". This document included verbs such as: appreciate, believe, comprehend, enjoy, familiarize, grasp, indicate, know, learn, like, realize, and understand.  

  Then Dr. Smirnova went over exercise one and showed us exercise two, exercise three, exercise four, exercise five, and exercise six. 

  After going over the different exercises, Dr. Smirnova said that we are going to get into groups of five and count off numbers so we work with different people. My number was 2. The people in your group are you base group and have to be assigned a different kingdom for each person. The people in my group could not decide on and did not care what kingdom they got. So I assigned each person a kingdom. Animalia- Jessica W, Plantae- Veronica, Protista- Joyce, Fungi- Jackie, Monera- me. Then Dr. Smirnova told us (the class) what the task was for this project. She said that we could memorize the word, how to pronounce the word, where the word comes from, def of the word, characteristics of the kingdom, examples, and create a handout could be a graphic organizer. After we (the class) got our instructions for the project and people asked questions. Then it was time to get into our expert groups: we exchanged names and examples so that we can work on Google docs together. In my expert group is Nicole P., Katharine T., Bridget F., Alica C., and myself. 

It is important for students to learn about non-living and living organisms. It could be a great unit to teach to the class. I great way to show the students this unit is through the Smart Board and vortex game. The two categories would be non-living and living and to have picks of different things and have the students decide which objects or things are living and non-living. As a teacher it is important for the students to know the ideas of non-living and living organisms so I can have a tow graphic organizers one  for non-living and the other for living organisms and ask the students to write down characteristics for both to see how much student know about non-living and living organisms. I would explain non-living and living organisms to students through examples or pictures and ask students what we as humans have to do to survive vs what a rock has to do to survive. Students will be able to say that humans need water, food,  and shelter survive. While a rock does not need water, food, or shelter to survive. That is how non-living and living are different and explained. I would do this concept with third graders. 

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