Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week 11

Week 11. Science Content and Curriculum: The Big Ideas and Your Scientific Self

During this week you will observe the 5th Grade science class, continue reading our textbook, Ch. 12, revisit the concepts of the "curriculum," National and State Science standards and explore the science concepts of your choice to design PPTs on one of them (A9, Week 13): 
▪ Solar system
▪ Gravity and inertia
▪ Digestive system
▪ Circulatory system
▪ Respiratory system
▪ Nervous system
▪ Environmental systems

▪ Work and force
▪ Simple machines
▪ Matter and energy
▪ Heat energy
▪ Conduction, convection, and radiation

The science curriculum and big ideas are important for teaching. It is important  for students to learn about science concepts through different teaching styles. It is good to do a powerpoint but it is also good to use the Smart Board. The big ideas are important to the whole the unit.The lessons are to break down the big ideas of the unit. 

The science curriculum is important for students to learn from their teacher. The science concepts that students can learn are about the human body systems, solar system, energy, chemical & physical changes, and atomic particle. These are important science concepts to learn and are apart of the science circulum. It is important for teachers to teach students about th science curriculum concepts in different ways like through experiments both hands-on and non hands-on, demonstrations, powerpoints, and videos. It is important for students to learn and understand the science concepts and their big ideas and to retain the knowledge that the teachers teach students which are the big ideas of the science concepts. 

▪ Chemical and physical change
▪ Atomic particles
▪ Electricity
▪ Magnetism
▪ Light energy
▪ Sound energy

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