Sunday, April 24, 2011

Class 35- April 15, 2011

Today's class started with singing a song called Friday Is My Favorite Day. We sang the song a few times.

Friday is My Favorite Day from milasunshine on Vimeo.

Then we shared our think pair share articles with our partners and made a Google Docs for our Edutopia articles. Some of the groups shared their Google Docs with the class.

This video was really cute. I will use this video in my class especially if my students and I are having a bad week. It is a catchy video that I think the students will enjoy to see and participate in. 

An activity that I could have students do is think pair share activity with articles that students pick for their current events. I would do the think pair share activity starting with third grade. It (think pair share) would be a fun activity to have the different pairs or partners of two share with the class what their partner's article was about and what the student learned about the article.  This activity is a great way for students to learn about different concepts and topics and also current events through articles each week. It is important for students to learn about current events and this is a great way to accomplish that. I think as a teacher it is a great idea to incorporate current events in the classroom through doing the think pair share activity with the students in the classroom. It is a great idea for students to learn from not only the teacher but also from each other or their classmates through a think pair share activity. 

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